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SELLER Hurry!Social Media Has These Six Major Development Trends

To market on social media platforms, it’s crucial to stay on top of the platform’s trends. Recently, Tech.Co. summarized the six major trends in social media development in 2021. Sellers, please come and take a look!

Today, more and more sellers are using social media platforms for marketing. Because of this, sellers need to find ways to differentiate themselves from the fierce competition, and it is necessary to grasp the development trend of social media.

Recently, Tech.Co. summarized the six major development trends of social media in 2021. Sellers, come and watch!

1. Baby boomers get closer to digitalization

Over the years, baby boomers have become increasingly involved in social media and e-commerce. In the past year, a large number of baby boomers have entered social media.

The baby boomer market cannot be ignored, and sellers may also consider expanding their marketing reach to cover emerging markets.

2. TikTok’s strong rise

TikTok began to enter overseas markets in 2017. In 2020, affected by the epidemic, TikTok achieved explosive growth.

Previously, data analysis company App Annie had predicted that TikTok’s monthly active users would reach 1.2 billion by 2021.

3. Social + e-commerce develops rapidly

Back in 2018, 55% of shoppers purchased products through a company’s social media account, and 87% claimed that social media helped them make purchasing decisions.

Across nine countries, 57% of people say they are shopping more frequently than ever since the pandemic began. Online shopping has become more popular, social media platforms have also developed shopping functions, and social + e-commerce is developing rapidly.

4. Video content is becoming increasingly popular

People are watching more and more video content, and the marketing potential of video is huge. In one study, 84% of people said they purchased a product after watching a company video.

One thing to note is that people’s attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, and it’s up to you to make sure you’re providing them with the absolutely necessary information in the shortest possible time.

5. VR and AR change the way of interaction

The virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) markets are growing rapidly, with searches for VR soaring 4-fold globally in the past year.

According to Statista, the global VR/AR market size is expected to reach US$73 billion by 2024.

6. A vivid brand image attracts more fans

The study found that 32% of people use social media to find fun and entertaining content, but 68% believe that companies do not share interesting content on social media.

As Outfunnel CEO Andrus Purde said, social media starts with communication between people, and the best way to engage fans is to start and participate in real conversations.

The above are the six major trends in the development of social media for your reference. Sellers can combine their brands and products to develop effective marketing strategies.

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