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Note To Sellers: Five Methods Of Video Marketing

The survey shows that 86% of the respondents want to see more videos from brands, which shows that consumers have demand for video content. To make the most of video, sellers can consider the following marketing tips…

Video content gained popularity last year, driving the growth of video advertising. From a capital perspective, video advertising company Vidmob recently raised $50 million in Series C funding, bringing it to nearly $100 million in funding to date.

The company's research shows that video ad sales increase 48% compared to static digital ads, and that shorter format ads perform better than longer video ads; additionally, in a 2020 survey, 86% of respondents would like to see more videos from brands.

All kinds of data reveal the development potential of video marketing to sellers. Here are five ways sellers can create videos that successfully attract potential customers:

1. Add an effective call-to-action (CTA)

Add an effective call-to-action to your video that clearly communicates what you want them to do, such as visit your website, make a purchase, subscribe to your channel or newsletter, etc.

Take Business Insider as an example. It publishes clear call-to-action text at the end of each YouTube video. These texts will stay on the screen for 10 to 15 seconds, giving viewers enough time to read and act.

2. Add a video to your landing page

Landing pages are designed to generate more leads. To make the page more attractive and provide more information, sellers can add videos to the page.

Since there are no other distractions on the page, the video easily grabs the viewer's attention. When adding a video, sellers can place it in the center of the screen and at the top of the web page, without requiring visitors to scroll the page.

3. Add videos to email campaigns

Using video in your email link can help your emails stand out, and adding the word "video" to your email subject line may attract more subscribers to click through and increase open rates.

However, email carriers and user devices may not be able to receive emails with embedded videos. Therefore, sellers can add a link to the video in the email.

4. Use video as gated content

Gated content is a great way to attract leads to your business. In addition to easy-to-consume content types like white papers, case studies, and ebooks, videos can also serve as gated content.

Educational videos such as tutorials, demos, and how-to videos are appropriate for gated content, considering that your audience will find something valuable.

5. Leverage Video SEO

Getting your videos ranked in search engines can greatly increase your visibility and attract more potential customers.

To do this, sellers need to write short but engaging headlines. The title should include the keyword and should be no longer than 70 characters so that searchers can see the full title in search results.

In summary, video content is expected to continue to develop in 2021, and sellers can also refer to the above marketing techniques to create eye-catching videos to attract more potential customers.

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