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To Attract More Website Visitors, Sellers Should Get These 7 SEO Tips!

Data shows that 68% of online experiences start with a search engine, and nearly half of online consumers’ shopping starts with a search engine. The importance of SEO is evident.

To attract more website visitors, sellers need to make SEO a priority. In the process of SEO, sellers can refer to the following tips:

1. Optimize website structure

A reasonable website structure can help shoppers and search engines browse your website easily, and Google will also rank good websites higher in search results.

2. Conduct keyword research

Keyword research is the process of finding words and phrases that people type into search engines so you can create search-optimized content around those terms.

Consider what search terms searchers would enter to find what you're selling, how potential customers would phrase their search as a question, and more.

3. Optimize URLs, titles, and meta descriptions

When optimizing URLs, titles, and meta descriptions, sellers should pay attention to the following points:

Write a unique title tag and meta description for each page of your store; focus on your target keywords; keep your input within the recommended number of characters; and write text that entices users to click.

4. Write unique product descriptions

Your product descriptions should tell search engines exactly what you're selling, and they also need to be unique so that their descriptions stand out from those of your competitors, even if they're selling the exact same product. Not only will this satisfy your specific audience description, it will also help your store rank higher in search results.

5. Add alt text to images

Alt text is text that describes an image and helps Google understand what the image is about.

There are more searches via Google Images than Amazon, YouTube, and Facebook combined, so adding optimized alt text can be a great source of traffic to your product pages.

6. Improve site speed

40% of internet users abandon websites that take more than three seconds to load. Sellers can use Google’s PageSpeed ​​Insights to evaluate page speed. If some pages take more than five seconds to load, sellers need to take some steps to save loading time, such as optimizing images.

7. Add blog content

Adding blog content to your website is a great way to improve your Google rankings and attract more people to your website.

Creating informative blog content can help sellers engage potential customers earlier in the buying process, and including more content on your website can also help gain more backlinks.

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