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Two-thirds Of The Largest U.S. Retail Companies Use Content Marketing

As one of the common marketing methods, content marketing can help sellers increase sales, save costs, and acquire more loyal customers. Content marketing is therefore widely adopted.

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and ultimately drive profitable customer action.

Based on the NRF's (National Retail Federation's) 2020 Retailer 100 List, e-commerce and marketing professional Armando Roggio reviews the websites and social media of the 50 largest retailers in the U.S. Channels to understand which retailers are using content marketing.

The survey shows that among the 50 largest retail companies in the United States, about 33 retailers use content marketing. Among them, 8 out of the top 10 retailers are carrying out content marketing in some form.

However, retailers’ content marketing needs improvement. There are 22 companies that do a good job with content marketing, but 11 companies perform poorly, and 17 companies don’t even use content marketing.

Of these, most underperforming marketing content has fragmented topics and timelines, lacks internal linking, and rarely uses content promotion.

In contrast, the two largest retailers, Walmart and Amazon, both use content marketing heavily. Let’s take a look at how they carry out content marketing!

Walmart uses content to attract customers. Its “Ideas” page is filled with how-to articles related to products sold by Walmart, like “Spring Cleaning: How to Clean Your Kitchen,” “5 Kitchen Organization Tips to Try in 2021,” “Everything You Need to Know About Tires information" and so on.

Looking at Amazon, Amazon uses many forms of content marketing. For example, Amazon Video and Amazon Music can attract people; Amazon Live allows sellers and other creators to help shoppers discover products.

In addition, many consumers and investors are interested in what Amazon is doing, and Amazon also maintains a corporate blog and publishes news about employees, company plans, and more.

The above are just some of the content marketing initiatives of these two major retailers. In fact, no type of marketing strategy can be separated from content. Sellers should also note that good content is always a top priority.

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