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Marketing Trends In 2021: Marketers Plan To Focus On These Two Aspects!

2020 is an extraordinary year. Under the impact of the epidemic, the marketing industry has undergone considerable changes, which has also affected sellers' marketing plans for 2021.

Cross-channel marketing platform Iterable surveyed 500 US and UK B2C marketers to understand their plans for 2021 and released a report on marketing trends for 2021. Sellers can also refer to it↓

COVID-19 concerns won't go away

First, marketers’ plans will not deviate from customer preferences under COVID-19 in the short term.

Marketers believe the top three issues that are most important in 2021 are consumers' growing demand for convenience and security (29%), brand empathy (15%) and the destruction of loyalty (14%).

The top three priorities for marketers in 2021 are adding new customers (65%), improving data management (44%), and optimizing marketing automation workflows (41%).

Win market share with personalized experiences

Marketing teams try to make better use of data, such as tailoring messages through automation and unique customer data insights to engage customers more effectively.

An overwhelming majority of marketers (83%) say they are likely to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into their 2021 marketing strategy, with 84% currently developing or planning to develop AI capabilities internally.

78% of marketers also plan to use zero-party data (data that customers actively share with brands) to better personalize messaging experiences in 2021.

Invest heavily in apps

More than 60% of respondents said their company has a mobile app; nearly 28% plan to build a mobile app in 2021; only 11% of companies without an app do not plan to build one next year.

Given the significant uptick in consumer usage of mobile apps during the pandemic, marketers plan to increase their use of in-app channels (+7%), web push notifications (+5%), and mobile push notifications (+3%) .

The emphasis on in-app push notifications also further solidifies marketers’ AI and zero-party data plans in 2021, with AI helping marketers better identify opportunities to customize push notifications and more easily deliver them through in-app products. Get zero-square data.

2020 is an extraordinary year, which has had a profound impact on the marketing industry. When formulating marketing plans for the new year, sellers must also fully consider the development trends of the marketing industry and make timely adjustments.

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