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Seller Quick Look: 5 SEO Tips For Podcasts

The significant growth of podcasts in 2020 has caught the attention of many sellers. Search engine optimization is also important when developing your podcast marketing.

The number of people listening to podcasts increased dramatically during the epidemic, driving podcasts to become one of the mainstream marketing channels in 2020. Podcasts have also been included in the 2021 marketing plans by many sellers.

Search engine optimization is also important when developing your podcast marketing. If you want to attract more natural search traffic to your podcast, sellers can refer to the following 5 tips↓

1. Focus on podcast content

Three-quarters of U.S. podcast listeners say they use podcasts to learn new things. Because of this, it’s crucial that your podcast content brings value to your listeners.

Therefore, sellers still have to spend more time polishing the content, and other aspects such as the equipment used are secondary.

2. The podcast name should not be careless.

The name of your podcast is crucial to organic search, and by including the word “podcast” or something similar in the title, your podcast’s chances of being discovered will be greatly increased.

In addition, many listeners will search for the topic of podcasts, and sellers should also pay attention to reflecting the topic in the name of the podcast, such as "Women's Shoes Podcast" or "Open Business Podcast".

3. Publish podcasts through multiple channels

Every podcast directory has its own fans. Submitting to only one or two channels may miss out on audiences from other channels.

SEO expert Jill Kocher Brown recommends that sellers at least publish their podcasts to Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Play, and then consider Stitcher, TuneIn, Soundcloud, Podcaster and other channels.

4. Promote podcast content

Sellers can promote their podcasts on social media, blogs, and emails, or they can work with relevant influencers to promote podcast episodes.

The key is to point the link to your podcast’s episode page. People click on the link and interact with the content, which may lead to more clicks.

5. Persistence is the key to marketing

To make gains with podcast marketing, sellers need to create a realistic schedule and stick to it. Generally speaking, the more times you publish, the faster you'll see results.

The number of people listening to podcasts has increased significantly in 2020, and data shows that after listening to podcast advertisements, 54% of listeners will consider purchasing the brand's products to some extent.

It can be found that the audience size and marketing potential of podcasts cannot be underestimated. If you want to market on podcasts, you should also do your homework to maximize the potential of podcasts.

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