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To Build A DTC Brand, Sellers Should Pay Attention To These Five Major Issues!

In the process of building a DTC brand, sellers must pay more attention to issues such as customer service, advertising, mobile user experience, website design, and order fulfillment.

According to Wikipedia, DTC (Direct-to-consumer) refers to selling products directly to customers, bypassing all third-party retailers, wholesalers, or other middlemen, usually in the form of online sales.

In the wave of rapid development of e-commerce last year, more and more e-commerce brands began to adopt the DTC model. Building a successful DTC e-commerce brand is not easy. In the process of operating the brand, sellers should pay attention to the following issues:

1.Customer service

The success of a business depends on how satisfied the customers are with the products and services they provide. Customer service that fails to meet consumer expectations is a silent conversion killer that not only affects sales but also damages the credibility of the business and brand.

In the process of providing customer service, DTC brand sellers must always maintain a positive attitude, show their professionalism, and strive to solve customer demands.

2. Advertising

Another problem that can arise for D2C brands is that their advertising promises are too high and disconnected from the actual function of the product, causing the brand's reputation to be damaged.

One thing that sellers need to be aware of is that there must be consistency between the content used to drive the audience to the landing page and the content used to convert.

3. Mobile user experience

In the process of cooperating with D2C e-commerce brands, Invesp noticed that many D2C brands pay more attention to the desktop experience, but often ignore the mobile user experience. This is a very serious problem.

In the past 6 months, 79% of smartphone users used their mobile devices to make online purchases. Because of this, it’s crucial to create a responsive D2C ecommerce store that works on all devices.

4.Website design

Careful website presentation can leave a good impression on potential customers. Website design includes concise website themes, strategic layout of each section of the website, etc.

Sellers need to ensure that visitors can easily find information on their website. In addition, sellers can also gain the trust of potential customers by displaying safety badges, guarantees, privacy policies, etc.

5. Order Fulfillment

Customers who patronize DTC brands hope to enjoy timely and efficient delivery and services, and sellers must also strive to deliver products in a timely manner.

If this requirement cannot be met, sellers may consider establishing a partnership with a logistics provider or retailer. Last year, Casper Sleep Inc. partnered with Nordstrom to strengthen its multi-channel distribution strategy.

There are far more issues that DTC brand sellers need to pay attention to. Sellers must also locate consumer needs during the operation process, constantly optimize their stores, and improve their competitiveness.

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