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Seller Quick Look: Three Strategies To Attract More Repeat Customers

The topic of enhancing customer loyalty is not uncommon. Fierce online competition has highlighted the importance of customer loyalty. Sellers must also work harder in this area.

Creating a convenient shopping experience, providing discounts, and giving away free samples can effectively capture the hearts of consumers. In addition, sellers can also pay attention to these three methods: gift giving, sustainable packaging and diversification of advertising.

There are two main types of customers: potential customers and existing customers. There are also particularities in what gifts to give to different customer categories.

The best gift for potential customers is free prizes. Sellers should choose trendy products that are closely related to your brand. Sellers can organize contests on social media where winners can win prizes, which can also enhance brand awareness and attract more fans.

For existing customers, sellers can offer redeemable points, and can also launch unique VIP loyalty programs for frequent customers, including exclusive discounts and gift certificates.

Let’s look at sustainable packaging. With the development of the times, consumers’ demand for sustainable packaging is increasing day by day.

According to McKinsey & Company, more than half of U.S. consumers are concerned about the impact of packaging on the environment, and consumers are now more likely to look for reusable boxes and packaging as well as biodegradable materials.

An Accenture study also showed that at least half of consumers are willing to pay more for reusable or recycled goods.

To cater to environmentally friendly consumers, sellers can promote their commitment to protecting the environment on their websites and social media; provide detailed information in order confirmation emails to explain to buyers the origin of the product, the use of packaging materials and supply chain transportation costs emissions, etc.

In addition, Facebook recently released a new study on advertising diversity and inclusion, which mentioned that representative brands can help increase consumer purchasing power and loyalty, with about 59% of consumers saying that they are more Stay true to brands that champion diversity and inclusion in online advertising.

To sum up, to enhance customer loyalty, sellers can refer to methods such as giving gifts to customers, focusing on sustainability, and enhancing the diversity of advertising to attract more repeat customers.

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