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To Create A Landing Page With A High Conversion Rate, Sellers Can Refer To These Five Strategies!

Draining traffic is important, but how to convert website visitors into customers is a step that sellers must attach great importance to.

Data shows that the average conversion rate of landing pages is only 2.35%, which shows the importance of optimizing landing pages. It is a key process of website design, and it is also a part that independent website sellers must pay attention to.

Alex Souchoroukof shared 5 steps to create a high-converting landing page, sellers, come and watch!

1. State your value proposition in the title

Landing pages need to effectively communicate your unique selling proposition so that your visitors differentiate your brand from competing products. Considering the limited attention span of most people, your title must deliver value.

When writing your title, sellers can make a bold statement. Keep the title short (6 words is best) but to the point. In addition, sellers can add some additional content to the subtitle to provide more information.

2. Use visuals to make them eye-catching

The visual part of your landing page is crucial to conversions. It can be an image or a video.

Sellers can try to convey emotion visually and choose content that complements the title and subtitle, such as describing the environment in which the product or service will be used.

3. Highlight your best features and benefits

Visitors want to know more about your product or service, so you can show them how it solves their problem. Like how the product/service saves them time, or makes their process more manageable.

4. Develop a strong call-to-action

A call to action (CTA) is a key element on a web page that prompts visitors to take action.

When creating your CTA, avoid using buttons with text like “Submit” or “Click here.” Instead, use conversational language like “Start my free trial” or “Join our free network.” Workshop” so your visitors know exactly what they’re going to get.

5. Provide strong social proof

Social proof is a psychological and social effect that prompts people to imitate the behavior of others to become part of a group.

On your landing page, social proof can take the form of direct customer reviews, case studies, video testimonials, client company logos, and more. When adding social proof, sellers need to pay attention to two things: authenticity and accuracy.

In addition, sellers should also pay attention to some details, such as matching your information with ads, removing navigation bars and other distractions, paying attention to the loading speed of the website, etc.

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