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Attention Sellers!When Carrying Out Digital Marketing, These Three Legal Red Lines Cannot Be Touched

As digital marketing continues to evolve, so does the risk of litigation. Sellers should also pay more attention when carrying out daily marketing and try to avoid potential legal disputes.

Marketing expert Amos Struck shared three major legal areas that may be involved in digital marketing. Sellers should be careful to avoid lightning!

1. Intellectual property rights

Marketers sometimes use the copyrighted property of other content creators, such as photos, music, videos, etc., to assist in their advertising campaigns without their permission.

For example, some marketers take random images from Google searches and use them in their own branding, but most of the images shown on Google are not free to use, and marketers need to use them before applying them to their own work. Requires permission from authorized owner.

Furthermore, modifying someone else's content will not prevent infringement, and changing material without consent may lead to greater trouble.

2.Privacy Laws

If you are sending emails and messages to your visitors, you need to establish a privacy policy that describes: what information you are collecting; how you will store, protect and utilize specific information; the effective date of the policy; how to opt out of data collection illustrate……

Most countries around the world have privacy laws and regulators prohibit spam. Therefore, marketers need to notify consumers and obtain their consent before collecting personal information.

3. Consumer marketing

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) prohibits marketers from making any false claims intended to mislead consumers or influence their purchasing decisions. Marketing claims should be based on evidence and should not omit any information about the product’s capabilities.

Misleading marketing and advertising includes: false claims about product/service features, false claims about product quality or origin, misstatements of prices, hidden fees, omission of important information…

In addition, in addition to the FTC, sellers should also pay more attention to the policies stipulated by other regulatory agencies, such as the National Advertising Review Board (NARB) and the Children's Advertising Review Unit (CARU).

Finally, in addition to avoiding infringement of the rights of others, sellers should also pay attention to protecting their own data to prevent it from being abused on the Internet.

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This article is contributed by internet users and only represents the author's own viewpoint.This website does not own the ownership of images or text, and does not assume any relevant legal responsibility.If any suspected infringement/illegal content is found, please email to 276029701@qq.com
Reprint this article with reference:https://www.tiktokhere.com/others/576

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