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After Discover Weekly

Since its launch in September 2019, Spotify's "On Repeat" playlists have been played 12 billion times worldwide, with fans listening to more than 750 million hours.

According to the techcrunch website, digital music player Spotify is opening its personalized playlist "On Repeat" to advertisers.

Spotify's "On Repeat" list was launched simultaneously with "Repeat Rewind" in 2019, and is committed to providing users with personalized music playback services. When users use the On Repeat feature, Spotify will play the most played music tracks for the user in the past 30 days.

After Discover Weekly

Sponsored playlists launched by Spotify make it possible for brands to sponsor activities. This advertising product enables brands to market to Spotify users during their breaks with audio, video and display advertising messages.

After Discover Weekly

(Spotify official website)

Spotify notes that when it opened Discover Weekly to advertisers in 2019, users who listened to the playlist had more than twice as many streams as those who didn’t because of its unique, personalized experience. . The "On Repeat" that was opened this time focuses on the tracks that users play most often, so it can also achieve excellent brand promotion effects.

And since its launch in September 2019, Spotify’s “On Repeat” playlist has been played 12 billion times globally, with fans listening to more than 750 million hours, featuring artists like Bad Badny, The Weeknd and Ariana Grande. The most popular on the list.

With the launch of "On Repeat" ad sponsorships, brands in 30 global markets including North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia Pacific will be able to take advantage of Spotify's premier personalization asset for a period of time.

The first U.S. company to use Spotify's sponsored playlists was tax software TurboTax, which cited Spotify's personalized service and user engagement as its two most important factors.

Cathleen Ryan, vice president of marketing at TurboTax, said in a statement: “Like music, taxes are not one-size-fits-all. Everyone’s tax situation is unique and everyone’s needs are different. That’s why we’re using Spotify to connect with our listeners. connections to attract and reach specific consumers, helping them get the tax expertise they need based on their circumstances.”

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