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The New Risk Control Policy Of TikTok Shop In The United States Is Being Upgraded, And Merchants Are Alert To The Wave Of Store Closures!

On October 9, TikTok Shop’s cross-border retailer self-operated model has officially entered the U.S. market, and both domestic and Chinese legal persons in the U.S. can register.This shows that after the local business self-operated model and fully managed model are launched,

On October 9, TikTok Shop’s cross-border retailer self-operated model has officially entered the U.S. market, and both domestic and Chinese legal persons in the U.S. can register.

This shows that following the launch of the local merchant self-operated model and the fully managed model, TikTok Shop’s door in the United States has been further opened to attract a wider merchant group.

As a large number of merchants flock to TikTok's US site, the platform's requirements for merchant stores are gradually increasing.

Starting from October 27, TikTok Shop will implement a stricter risk control policy in the United States. Once any violation occurs, merchant accounts will be blocked immediately.

The main points of the new risk control policy are as follows:

Please note that in addition to violation scores, TikTok Shop may take any other necessary enforcement actions and controls as described in the Enforcement section below and in our Seller Terms of Service.

Fortunately, the illegal points accumulated by the store will be cleared from October 27th and calculated again. The following are the specific points for violation, merchants can read and understand carefully.

In addition, starting from November 6, TikTok officials will update the negative review rate (NRR) policy of the TikTok store, which explains in detail the circumstances in which sellers may be enforced if this policy is violated.

If the consumer’s evaluation after purchasing the product is 1 to 2 stars (out of 5 stars), the platform will determine that this is a “bad review”. The 1-star or 2-star negative reviews in the past 60 days account for 10% of the total number of orders delivered. The percentage is the Negative Review Rate (NRR).

TikTok Shop’s requirement for merchants is to maintain a negative review rate of less than 0.69% for individual products and stores. To be honest, this requirement is quite difficult. The following are the specific implementation rules for merchants to be aware of.

When the total number of product reviews exceeds 20 and the total number of negative reviews exceeds 5, enforcement will be triggered.

The platform execution behavior is as follows:

Warning: When the negative review rate of a product is between 0.38% and 0.69%, the seller will receive a warning message!

Delisting: When the negative review rate of a product is between 0.69% and 1.69%, the product will be deactivated!

Category specific deactivation criteria:

Freeze: When the negative review rate of a product reaches 1.69% and above, the product will be frozen

Category specific freezing standards:

If the seller's store orders exceed 100+, the orders with reviews exceed 20+, and there are at least 5 negative review orders, the seller will face store enforcement.

The implementation measures are as follows:

According to the current situation of the platform, compliance of merchant operations is the general trend.

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