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A Single Product Sells 3,000 Orders A Day!A Batch Of “dark Horse” Links Emerge On Amazon

While Amazon's peers were discussing declining orders and sharp declines in profits all day long, seller Wang Cheng discovered that orders from his peers had increased significantly.

Since the beginning of this year, orders from many Amazon sellers have continued to decline. As advertising costs have increased sharply, profits have been greatly affected. Even top sellers cannot avoid the current situation of increasing revenue without increasing profits.

When the market was relatively sluggish, a group of Amazon sellers "broke out of the siege." They seemed to have found a simple and crude way of playing. Driven by this style of play, the number of orders per day soared rapidly from 300 to 3,000 orders, this style of play may change Amazon’s traffic pattern and accelerate the formation of a new competitive pattern among sellers.

With 3,000 orders per day for a single product, some sellers are breaking Amazon’s traffic pattern

While Amazon's peers were discussing declining orders and sharp declines in profits all day long, seller Wang Cheng discovered that orders from his peers had increased significantly.

Wang Cheng is a senior "old cross-border person" who currently operates the beauty category on Amazon. Like many sellers, he thinks about how to increase traffic and order volume every day, and he frequently pays attention to the trends of his peers. A year later, he discovered that some relatively large sellers in his categories had experienced an astonishing increase in orders.

"As far as our beauty category is concerned, some dark horse links have emerged this year. In the past, one link generated 300 orders a day, which was considered a relatively good big link. Now these links and some other links can generate 3,000 orders a day. The number of linked daily orders is astonishing," Wang Cheng said.

Most of these links that generate orders quickly are done by influencer marketing. For Amazon sellers, influencer marketing is not a new method, especially for certain categories, such as beauty, clothing, etc. However, sellers of specific categories generally have a certain cycle when doing celebrity marketing. The difference this time is that sellers are breaking this cycle.

Wang Cheng introduced that sellers in the beauty category may do celebrity marketing at a long-term frequency. For example, many sellers do celebrity marketing once every two months. Some sellers do not have particularly good results, or they may do it every quarter or even every other time. Do related activities more often.

However, the current frequency of influencer marketing has seen changes. Many sellers in the beauty category have suddenly increased the frequency of celebrity marketing. Some sellers have changed from once a quarter to doing celebrity marketing once a week, and some even do related activities twice a week.

As a beauty seller, Wang Cheng is also a member of the group that increases the frequency of celebrity marketing. At present, he basically does celebrity marketing every week. Previously, he did it once a quarter or half a year, or only when there was a need to clear inventory.

The same goes for Li Tiancai, who is also a beauty seller. Li Tiancai introduced that I am also doing influencer marketing. The last time I made a product, that product had a relatively large inventory, and the sales were not good at ordinary times. Basically, I could only place more than 10 orders a day. After doing celebrity marketing, the effect was still good. More than 300 orders were placed on the first day, and more than 100 orders were placed on the second day. The daily order volume has increased from more than 10 orders to more than 300 orders, which is a 30-fold increase!

In response to the current situation that sellers in some Amazon categories frequently engage in celebrity marketing, seller Li Cheng bluntly said that this kind of gameplay may impact Amazon’s inherent ranking mechanism and affect the platform’s traffic pool.

In the perception of Amazon sellers, 3,000 orders a month was considered a good product, but now 3,000 orders a day has broken the original pattern. Sellers do celebrity marketing on a weekly basis, and the number of orders brought to a product Far greater than the traffic brought by the Amazon platform.

Obviously, this is a challenge for sellers who usually rely on advertising to promote products, and for sellers who operate regularly. Li Cheng said that the frequent influencer marketing by our peers has had a huge impact on us. The original entire ranking structure was independently operated by Amazon itself. Now this ranking structure and the overall environment have been destroyed.

The logic behind celebrity marketing

It is understood that most sellers currently do celebrity marketing in two ways. 1. Build your own traffic pool; 2. Find a service provider to buy traffic.

The cost of building a self-built traffic pool is low. Some of them are Internet celebrities who come to you to promote a certain product of the seller. Because of the profit model of many Internet celebrities, bringing goods is only one of them, and there is another important one. It is necessary to serve fans, and Internet celebrities should also make some substantive videos or content to attract fans and gain their recognition.

In this case, if an internet celebrity encounters a good product or brand, or a brand that she thinks matches her temperament and character, she may even be willing to spend her own money to promote the product, because the internet celebrity also has to serve her fans.

Li Chengcheng met such a customer, who was the number one beauty internet celebrity in Australia. Li Cheng said that the internet celebrity took the initiative to find us to promote our products. We only needed to send her a set of products, and there were no other costs.

Another type of self-built traffic pool is that some qualified sellers operate Internet celebrities themselves. For example, some companies recruit Internet celebrities overseas to specifically serve the company's products.

As far as the beauty category is concerned, some sellers are relatively mature in their own operations. Because there is no need to promote brands in this category. It is not like buying Huawei or Apple like buying mobile phones. Beauty products may only require online celebrities to do an evaluation. If I think this product is good, I can continue to buy it. Moreover, there are white, black and yellow people in the United States. Beauty influencers can relatively achieve good results by promoting products based on specific groups of people.

A single product sells 3,000 orders a day! A batch of “dark horse” links appear on Amazon

There will be a certain cost for sellers to buy traffic from service providers, and many service providers will also promote this type of service. According to Li Tiancai, generally speaking, a single celebrity marketing promotion promoted by a service provider costs about a few hundred yuan. The service provider will find Internet celebrities with hundreds of thousands of fans for the seller. Within the three days of the celebrity promotion, there are The order can be doubled several times. However, not all celebrity marketing is effective marketing. After some products undergo celebrity marketing, the effect is not obvious and orders do not increase.

How to do effective influencer marketing? Li Tiancai believes that two points are very important.

First, you need to find internet celebrities that are compatible with the product. If the internet celebrity's fans are all young women who love beauty, the effect of promoting beauty products will be relatively good. If the internet celebrity's fan base does not match, it will be ineffective marketing. After all, each celebrity’s fan group is different. If your product matches the fan group, the traffic will be more accurate.

One problem with using service providers to do celebrity marketing is that service providers generally do not allow sellers to contact celebrities directly, and sellers cannot determine whether the celebrity’s fan base is relevant to their products. However, there are some celebrity marketing with poor marketing results. Sellers can communicate with the service provider and add another promotion for free. If it is no longer effective, it is equivalent to spending money in vain.

Second, it mainly depends on whether the product is suitable for celebrity marketing. What impressed Li Tiancai was that he had previously promoted a wall sticker product through a service provider through a celebrity. Later, he only sold a dozen orders. No matter how much he promoted it, it had no effect. The same was true for some similar products. In comparison, Home products are not as suitable for influencer marketing as beauty products.

Among sellers in the industry, there are also many service providers that promote celebrity marketing services. Some service providers said that there are many 338 promotion packages for customers, mainly from influencers, bloggers, and some paid groups. Generally, products with an order of more than 100 yuan and a unit price of less than 10 US dollars can basically get a lot of orders. When the outflow is poor, the number is at least 50+.

However, the 338 promotion package launched by the service provider is only guaranteed for 15 orders, which makes the sellers couldn’t help complaining: “It’s really a profitable business!”

For sellers who do celebrity marketing, whether they sell 100 orders or 3,000 orders at a time, this is all superficial performance. The ultimate question of celebrity marketing is: Is there still profit?

Can influencer marketing make money behind a large number of orders?

Why can celebrity marketing place a large number of orders in a short period of time? In addition to internet celebrity promotion, there is also a price advantage. In layman's terms, it means "breaking bones" to hurt performance.

Li Tiancai said that before doing celebrity marketing, sellers usually increase the product price slightly, and then make a 50% off discount code and give it to the celebrity during the big promotion. The Internet celebrity uses the discount code link to post, and fans We can buy the seller's products at a 50% discount. Most of the time, even if there is a 50% discount after the price increase, the selling price of the seller's products is lower than the daily selling price.

"Our products are basically operated in this way. As far as I know, our peers also play this way. As the order quantity increases, we finally calculate that it is good to break even without losing money. There is basically no profit, and even if there is, it is very little." Li Tiancai said.

When there is no profit, some sellers may engage in influencer marketing to boost their rankings quickly.

However, according to the actual practice of relevant sellers, on the day of marketing, due to the increase in order volume, the ranking of the link may increase significantly, and then the ranking will slowly decrease on the second, third, and fourth days until it falls back to almost the same position as before. , if there are more sales, the ranking will be slightly higher than before.

"The number of orders for influencer marketing does increase very quickly. I like people very much, but the ranking can last for two days, and then starts to drop off a cliff on the third day. After four or five days, it is basically the same as before. Maybe better than before. It's a little better, but it won't make much obvious progress. It won't have much impact on the weight of the link, because this kind of purchase is not made by searching for keywords from the Amazon website." Seller Liu Dong said.

Can I maintain my ranking if I continue to do celebrity marketing? Li Tiancai introduced that there is actually no profit in doing such big discounts and frequent celebrity marketing. If there is no profit, who can afford to do charity for a long time?

In order to preserve profits, shouldn’t sellers use less discounts when doing celebrity marketing? The answer is yes, but once the discount is not strong enough, it is simply impossible to achieve the effect of placing more orders. "If there is no wool to harvest, who will buy it?" Li Tiancai looked a little helpless.

Through influencer marketing, after the seller's orders are increased, the weight of the link is not very easy to maintain. But when there is no profit or little profit, why do sellers continue to do celebrity marketing? Li Tiancai bluntly said that if you can withstand long-term losses and continue to do celebrity marketing, a link can really maintain the relevant weight and reach the top of the ranking. But this is not absolute. In addition to the discounted price, it also depends on the specific product.

As Li Cheng said, as far as the beauty category is concerned, many products are guided consumption, which is why celebrity promotion is easy to do. For example, for a lipstick, you don't know which color you want to buy. When you see Li Jiaqi applying a color, you think it looks good, so you will place an order to buy it.

A single product sells 3,000 orders a day! A batch of “dark horse” links appear on Amazon

From a consumer perspective, if consumers are asked to search on Amazon, they actually don’t know what color lipstick they want to buy, but after an influencer recommends it to you, they will be more motivated to place an order than buying it from Amazon.

Therefore, returning to the profit itself, using large discounts for celebrity marketing may only be suitable for clearing inventory and launching new products.

Obviously, clearing inventory cannot be for the sake of profit, and launching new products also requires being able to withstand early losses. "If there are strategic losses in the early stage, some sellers can indeed promote a new product through frequent celebrity marketing. I have seen such peers who have order volume and courage, and even if they ship many products and keep them out of stock, new products The ranking continues to improve, but in the end we don’t know the amount of losses others have suffered,” Li Tiancai said.

"Dazhai does have the ability to spend money to promote a new product. Small and medium-sized sellers generally don't dare to try the method of spending money to launch a new product." Liu Dong does not agree with this style of play.

Regarding the frequent influencer marketing model, Liu Dong believes that this is a new type of involution. It is the same as some sellers who use low-price strategies now. There is no profit in selling goods all the time, and this kind of promotion does not increase the weight of the link itself. Big, has no positive meaning.

However, sellers who frequently engage in celebrity marketing and can promote new products may have a certain value even if they suffer losses. An old seller in the industry believes that when there is capital backing, we cannot deny this marketing strategy. After all, the volume of orders is indeed considerable, and Amazon does not allow sellers to divert traffic outside the site.

If powerful and large sellers carry out celebrity marketing at high frequency for a long time, will traffic continue to move towards them in the future? Will it be harder for other sellers?

Wang Cheng believes that there are leading sellers in the cosmetics category who make 3,000 orders a day, but small and medium-sized sellers are also allowed to survive, because different consumer groups have choices for cosmetics colors, just like buying watercolor pens, everyone likes various colors. Therefore, while the leading seller chain exists, some products with medium links will also have a certain market.

After the New Year, more and more sellers frequently engage in influencer marketing, and some of them simply want to clear out inventory because they have more stock.

In major seller groups, people will ask about similar situations one after another. The products are unsaleable and there is a large inventory backlog. How to clear the inventory? Usually there will be old sellers in the industry who recommend them for celebrity marketing. A seller said that he had prepared a large amount of goods this year, but only half of them have been shipped so far. Now that the season is over, he did not want the goods to rot in the warehouse, so he asked his colleagues to recommend reliable off-site promotion channels.

Spend 1 million to learn influencer marketing, and sellers will be deceived

Relying on large discounts, celebrity marketing is indeed an important channel for placing orders for certain categories of products. However, whether it is for the purpose of clearing inventory or placing large quantities of orders to promote new products, sellers need to rationally deploy celebrity marketing based on the conditions of their own business categories. Moreover, there are still many pitfalls in the celebrity marketing promoted by some unreliable service providers.

With the popularity of short video platforms, many sellers have followed the trend and cooperated with celebrities to promote products. However, some sellers were deceived by some unscrupulous service providers and Internet celebrities who maintained their own accounts. After paying, they did not issue orders and lost their money. Water drifts.

An informed seller said that the current market for off-site celebrity marketing is really chaotic. There are both first-hand and second-hand service providers. Many sellers have difficulty distinguishing between genuine and fake. The service providers are very enthusiastic at the beginning and wait until the seller pays. Just look for Internet celebrities to deal with the problem, and ignore the seller's subsequent inquiries about issues such as few orders and poor conversions.

Some sellers said that they found video celebrities with hundreds of thousands or millions of fans to promote their products and gave away products. However, the conversion rate was very low and almost no orders were placed. Later, I simply found a service provider to do it, but it didn’t feel reliable, and the conversion was still very low. The process of communicating with Internet celebrities was quite tortuous, and sometimes I couldn’t contact the Internet celebrity directly. Therefore, the number of Internet celebrity fans is not a problem, conversion is the biggest The problem.

Whether products marketed by influencers can be sold has a lot to do with the products and discounts. In fact, influencers only provide a platform for sellers. Some sellers believe that influencer marketing depends on the product and luck.

In order to seize the trend and promote product orders, some sellers buy courses to learn influencer marketing. A seller spent a total of about 1 million to buy the course. The course systematically explained the operation process of Internet celebrity cooperation, including how to develop Internet celebrities, how to cooperate, how to divide commissions, how to maintain follow-up cooperation, etc., and also broke down the key points. Standardized operations for cooperating with an internet celebrity.

After finishing the course, I followed the teacher's instructions to do marketing step by step. As a result, the standardized operations I learned resulted in the Internet celebrities' low willingness to cooperate, the conversion rate of traffic brought to the website was not high, and the order volume was so small that it can be ignored. Calculate it, excluding the cost of purchasing courses, the traffic from this kind of celebrity marketing is very expensive. As a result, the seller’s fees for buying courses and doing celebrity marketing are almost all wasted.

In a mixed market, sellers who have just started doing influencer marketing will definitely have the cost of trial and error. Here are some tips shared by experienced people:

First of all, sellers need to formulate a plan based on the product to determine whether their product is suitable for this type of marketing. If it is a product that is guided to purchase, the probability of placing an order is relatively high;

Secondly, when looking for a service provider to cooperate, it is best to screen the celebrity information. Specifically, you can look at the videos posted by the celebrity to determine whether the celebrity’s fan base is compatible with your own product, as well as the product user portrait and the Internet celebrity’s fans. Whether the portrait is consistent; whether the brand or product matches the personality of the celebrity; whether the influencer really likes the product and would sincerely recommend it to his fans, etc.

Finally, sellers can cooperate with several service providers to conduct multi-party comparisons; after cooperation, each service provider can provide delivery data, and judge the effectiveness of the cooperation based on the data, so as to plan the delivery for the next step.

At present, although some sellers in suitable categories rely on celebrity marketing to place orders quickly, how long can the order volume without profit last? In addition, if sellers are considering promoting new products and clearing inventory, they also need to carefully screen before doing celebrity marketing to avoid being cut off for no reason.

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